The question I get asked the most about boudoir sessions is........ what should I wear?
Honestly, you really don't need to invest in expensive lingerie. Some clients wear white t-shirts, comfy sweaters, or nothing but a sheet. It really depends on what you're comfortable with.
If you are leaning more towards lingerie then one item that looks great on almost everyone is a bodysuit and you can actually find quite a few on Amazon. Here are examples of a few cute pieces that I have found:
Another item that is great for boudoir photography is a body chain. Here are some examples:
A well fitting bra and underwear are always great as well. I do suggest that if you are going to wear a bra that you have at least one that is a softer bra. Some of the harder bras will hold their own shape and that means in some of the reclined poses you will see some gapping between you and the bra.
Don't forget the Boudoir Weekend Special is taking place on January 25 and 26. If you would like to book your spot please contact me right away as there are limited spot available.